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Youth participation

Youth partipication strategies that increase engagement

Youth Participation
Flower Crown Flower Flower Lightning Bolt Lightning Bolt Heart Heart

We help organisations achieve vibrant and transformative youth participation.

To get meaningful engagement with young people, every organisation needs a vibrant approach, a well thought-out strategy. and a clearly communicated vision. Without this, it can often feel like participation is tokenistic with frustrating false starts, demotivating drift, and ultimately, young people not engaging.
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We all want to provide meaningful opportunities for young people to engage with our services – the challenges are finding the right member of staff to lead on it, having the right knowledge to engage with young people, and understanding how this all fits into service delivery and improvement.

Zig Zag
For Teachers

A trusted partner with over 10 years of experience.

As an organisation providing services for young people, you deserve a trusted partner who understands the lived experiences of young people and the leadership capacity required to provide meaningful youth engagement.

The Care Leaders has over 10 years of experience supporting youth participation projects, including:

  • The Care Leavers National Movement, The House Project
  • The House Project, National Charity for Care Leavers
  • Youth Voice Bucks, Buckinghamshire County Council
  • Voice and Participation Service, West Sussex County Council
  • Mockingbird Champions, The Fostering Network
  • The Department for Education innovation fund and many of the 56 funded innovation projects

See our case studies for more

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The Care Leaders are experts in supporting children’s services develop meaningful youth participation.


Our consultancy areas

From our 10 years of experience, we know that organisations need four things to have meaningful youth participation:

  • A youth participation strategy
  • A branded participation service
  • Digital and face-to-face engagement
  • Training to raise awareness
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Download our Youth Participation Brochure for more information.

Flower Crown Flower Flower Lightning Bolt Lightning Bolt Heart Heart

We know that you want to listen to young people and you want to change services based on their views. The Care Leaders can help.

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Heart Heart Heart Heart Lightning Lightning Lightning Lightning

Contact us

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    How to work with us

  • 1. Contact us

    Fill in our enquiry form to let us know about what you would like us to support you with.

  • 2. We call you back

    We will arrange a time to speak to you to understand more about what you need.

  • 3. We provide you a brief

    We will write you a brief explaining how we can help, how long we think it will take, the expected fees and the potential impact.

  • Care Leavers Middlesbrough Children Matter Youth Voice Bucks The House Project Buckingham Council Department For Education Leeds City Council
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