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Flower Flower Dots Zig Zag

Vision development

Aspirational visions that keep children at the centre of your workforce

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Good visions drive children’s services towards a common goal – to ensure children leave services in a better place than when they entered.

Strong visions are clear, memorable, and call people to action.
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A clear vision is one that is written in accessible language and that tells people why we are here and for what cause. It needs to talk about problems in a way that is empowering, giving people the opportunity to take ownership to overcome them. A clear vision also has recognisable branding that stands out and makes people feel inspired, while explaining what we expect from our people and what they can expect from us.
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Most importantly, though, a vision motivates people to act and guides passion and committment to bettering the lives of children.


We are relatable and empowering.

We have seen our fair share of visions fail when they don’t have aspirational, clear, or relatable messages. When they are not developed with those who live and work in the organisation, they miss the most important element of a vision – peoples stories.
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If we just send our workforce a sticker to put on their laptop with a slogan that doesn’t communicate to the reality of their experience or in a language that they understand, the vision will likely fail to have impact.
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This is not what The Care Leaders does.

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A trusted partner with over 10 years of experience.

Our leaders have over 10 years of professional experience which they combine with personal insights of children’s services. They have supported the development of some of the UK’s most aspirational visions, including:

  • Middlesbrough Children Matter, Middlesbrough Council,
  • Children First, West Sussex County Council
  • Youth Voice Bucks, Buckinghamshire County Council
  • Knowledge Equity Fellowship, the University of Oxford
  • The Department for Education Innovation Fund and many of the 56 funded innovation projects

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Having a clear vision, inspiring branding and great communication that can relate to lived and practice experience will have an transformative impact on your organisation. This, in turn, will create a culture that works towards a common goal to better the lives of children.

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To read more about our projects, check out our portfolio.


A vision is much more than a fancy logo, a catchy mission statement, or a set of aspirational values.

How we can help you transform your workforce:

  • Vision statements
  • Mission statements
  • Value development
  • Brand guidelines
  • Copywriting
  • Logo design
  • Digital marketing strategies
  • Communication strategies
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A great vision will direct your workforce towards a common goal, attract the right people to your organisation, and create urgency that calls people to action.

Zig Zag
Flower Crown Flower Flower Lightning Bolt Lightning Bolt Heart Heart
Heart Heart Heart Heart Lightning Lightning Lightning Lightning

Contact us

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    How to work with us

  • 1. Contact us

    Fill in our enquiry form to let us know about what you would like us to support you with.

  • 2. We call you back

    We will arrange a time to speak to you to understand more about what you need.

  • 3. We provide you a brief

    We will write you a brief explaining how we can help, how long we think it will take, the expected fees and the potential impact.

  • Care Leavers Middlesbrough Children Matter Youth Voice Bucks The House Project Buckingham Council Department For Education Leeds City Council
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