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  • Clifton Moor Business Village,
  • 14 James Nicolson Link, York,
  • YO30 4XG
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Digital marketing

Digital marketing that helps children’s services to better communicate and engage online

Flower Crown Flower Flower Lightning Bolt Lightning Bolt Heart Heart

We have digital capabilities to support children’s services to communicate effectively online.

Whether you need to recruit more staff, advertise training, or communicate your new vision, every organisation needs digital marketing that captures peoples interest, gets noticed, and calls people to action.

As marketing has evolved, print ads in newspapers or on posters in bus stops have been overtaken by new forms of media. Information in the digital age is instant, fast-paced, and in the palm of your hand.

Zig Zag

We are experts in digital marketing.

The Care Leaders are expert digital marketers.

We have developed successful recruitment campaigns for foster carers, launched online social media campaigns, and helped children’s services across the UK communicate powerful visions to their staff and young people.

Take a look at our case studies to see what we can do.


How we help with digital marketing

Consultancy from Lived Experience Leaders that supports children’s services

  • Social media marketing
  • Advertising
  • Media development
  • Digital marketing strategies
  • Graphic design
  • External and internal campaigns
  • Communication strategies
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Contact us

    Care Leavers Middlesbrough Children Matter Youth Voice Bucks The House Project Buckingham Council Department For Education Leeds City Council
    Flower Flower Flower Flower Flower Flower Flower Flower Flower Flower

    How to work with us

  • 1. Contact us

    Fill in our enquiry form to let us know about what you would like us to support you with.

  • 2. We call you back

    We will arrange a time to speak to you to understand more about what you need.

  • 3. We provide you a brief

    We will write you a brief explaining how we can help, how long we think it will take, the expected fees and the potential impact.

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